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How do we understand medical equipment and our needs?

Dr Rebecca Bailey Manager, Asset Support, Victorian Department of Health

Time: 30 July 2024, 18:00 AEST (Networking from 17:30)

Venue: Online. Please register on eventbrite here.

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Modifying Medical Devices In-house

Modifying Devices In-house – What do the Standards Say About That, and  Use of Non-OEM Parts in Repairs…… Yes, No……..Maybe !
Permitted modification of medical devices by a hospital biomedical engineer requested by a physician or surgeon is the subject of the February talk by Mike Flood, biomedical engineering consultant.

The SMBEVic is pleased to invite you to join us on Tuesday 27 February 2024 at 6.00PM on Zoom. Please register here.

The Physician and Surgeon may require something different to the medical device being used to treat a patient. The hospital biomedical engineering department is asked to help. Modifying medical devices can bring an individula under the regulations of medical device manufacturers, which involve strict quality, safety, and performance requirements. Failing to meet these regulations can result in significant fines and legal action. Is there an alternative path for the biomedical engineer?

Join us to hear what Mike and the other clinical engineers think of the TGA guidelines on modifying medical equipment in their hospitals.

Breaking News- Video of Mike Flood's talk in the Vision History

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See the History of the SMBEVic on the Screen

New Directory of SMBEVic Vision and re-mastered vision for iPad in mp4 2007-2010 now available for viewing

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