Engineers Australia and the Biomedical Engineer – Find out how a membership can help you in your career

Engineers Australia and the Biomedical Engineer – Find out how a membership can help you in your career

Mr Noel Dos Santos AMAMI AffillEAust
Business Development Manager, Engineers Australia, Victoria Division

Mr John McIntosh FIEAust, CPEng EngExec
President, Engineers Australia, Victoria Division

Time: 17 July 2012, 18:00 AEDT (Refreshments from 17:30)

Venue: Engineering House, 21 Bedford St, North Melbourne, VIC 3051

Professional body membership and active involvement brings benefits to both the individual and the profession.

Noel Dos Santos and John McIntosh will present various aspects of Engineers Australia membership.

Questions, comments and discussion will be invited.Take this unique opportunity to meet and discuss professional issues with Noel, John and your colleagues.
