Frontiers In: Therapeutic Control of the Circulation

Frontiers In: Therapeutic Control of the Circulation

Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Medical Director, Applied Physiology

Dr Mark Leaning
Founder & CEO, Applied Physiology

Time: 15 April 2008, 18:00 AEDT (Refreshments from 17:30)

Venue: Engineering House, 21 Bedford St, North Melbourne, VIC 3051

Dr Geoff Parkin is an Intensive Care specialist with a distinguished track record for innovative biomedical engineering applications, including the recently-developed Navigator© circulatory management system.

Dr Mark Leaning is a biomedical research engineer now leading Applied Physiology in this global commercial venture.

This novel clinical advisory system employs a multi-dimensional analysis of circulation, and adaptive algorithms which mimic the clinical process of measurement, interpretation and therapy: currently undergoing clinical trials, it offers promise in clinical closed-loop circulatory management.