Medical IT: Clinical Engineering and IT collaboration at The Royal Melbourne Hospital

Medical IT: Clinical Engineering and IT collaboration at The Royal Melbourne Hospital

Mr Simon Cowley
Biomedical Engineer, Royal Melbourne Hospital

Time: 21 February 2012, 18:00 AEDT (Refreshments from 17:30)

Venue: Engineering House, 21 Bedford St, North Melbourne, VIC 3051


One of the considerable challenges facing healthcare delivery organisations is the management of medical devices which have information technology (IT) network connectivity. To ensure the safety, effectiveness and security of medical IT devices, collaboration is essential between all stakeholders (clinical engineers, IT specialists, clinicians, clinical quality/governance experts, hospital executives).

International standards, such as IEC 80001-1 Risk Management for medical devices on IT networks have been created, along with communities such as the CE-IT Collaboration to help manage the challenges of medical IT devices.

The Royal Melbourne Hospital is no stranger to these challenges and has a strong collaborative relationship between Clinical Engineering and IT & T Services. This presentation will provide details on our collaborative approach to medical IT, along with our plans for managing emerging technologies in healthcare.


Simon Cowley is a Biomedical Engineer from Clinical Engineering at The Royal Melbourne Hospital. Simon has 10 years experience working with healthcare technologies for both the public and private/allied healthcare sectors in Victoria.
A significant proportion of Simon’s work involves the management of medical devices with IT network connectivity. Simon has recently had an article published in Horizons – Managing Medical Devices on the IT on Clinical Engineering (CE)/Information Technology (IT) collaboration at The Royal Melbourne Hospital.